Centre Hills Homeowners Association Dues Notice

Dear Homeowner:

Your Centre Hills Homeowner’s Association is now collecting dues for 2024 in the amount of $35.00 per lot.  Please send $35.00 (one-lot owners) or $70.00 (two-lot owners) by check payable to “Centre Hills Homeowner’s Association” to the P.O. Box address provided below by February 29th, 2024.   Please note that late fees are $5 per month or part thereof beyond March 31st, 2024.

Centre Hills Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 502
Lemont, Pa 16851-0502

The dues serve to pay expenses incurred by the Association such as neighborhood enhancements, our website https://centrehillshoa.com/, signage, and clearing of storm drain discharge pipes. The dues also help fund our annual association meeting and other social gatherings.  Our annual meeting is typically held in August or September, where neighbors can meet and vote on association business.  The funds collected are deposited in the Association’s bank account.

 Your prompt payment of the dues is greatly appreciated.


 Bernie Rodgers, Treasurer

(610) 737-3463 (cell)